If you are interested in such fields as gene therapy, drug design, genomics, proteomics, genetic engineering of animals and microorganisms and bioinformatics, then the Master's degree programme in Biotechnology at the Faculty of Biology of Adam Mickiewicz University is waiting for you. More →
Master degree
By choosing the Biotechnology degree program, you will be introduced to the biomedical aspects of biotechnology. The curriculum includes advanced biotechnology subjects that are based on topics in biochemistry, microbiology, and cell and molecular biology. More →
Learning areas
Students choose subjects according to their interests.Innovative therapies
A therapy that contains an active substance or combination of active substances that has not been authorised before
new generation drugs
It includes the science of human diseases, mechanisms, effectiveness and interactions of drugs as well as their design
regenerative medicine
Focused on developing and applying new treatments to heal tissues and organs and restore function lost due to aging, disease, damage or defects
Focuses on the development of novel, functional materials at an atomic, molecular, and macromolecular scale
Advantages of the program
As our student, you will be able to take part in research projects, and scientific expeditions in Poland and abroad. In addition, you have a variety of opportunities during your studies:Realization of the part of the studies in Poland and abroad as part of the MOST and ERASMUS + programs
Opportunity to take part in research grants and apply for funding of your own research project
Developing passion within numerous sections of the Natural Sciences Club (NSC) and Student Government
Access to up-to-date scientific research infrastructure and well equipped laboratories
Many of our research teams are international, so you will practice your scientific English skills at everyday manner.
Participation in apprenticeships and internships in renowned enterprises and research units in Poland and abroad
Biotechnology studies educate specialists in demand in academic and private enterprises.Environmental monitoring companies
State institutions focusing on environmental protection activities
Bioprocess industry
Companies using bioprocesses, especially in food plants
Pharmaceutical, chemical and biotech companies
Ph.D. studies or work at universities and research institutes
Biological, biotechnological and diagnostic laboratories
Founding your own biotechnology company